Have you noticed changes to your hearing? It’s possible you are experiencing hearing loss. Here are some of the signs that you should be aware of which may suggest you need to speak to a hearing instrument specialist.

Feeling Tired

It’s possible that you won’t notice your hearing has changed. This could leave you feeling tired because your brain is doing more work when listening to conversations or even just watching TV. This is why hearing aids are a suitable treatment for hearing loss. A hearing aid will take the strain off your ears and ensure that you can hear far more clearly overall. It will allow you to relax more whether listening to songs or speaking to someone in person or on the phone.

Sudden Hearing Loss

Age-related hearing loss typically occurs gradually, allowing you to adapt over time. If you experience a sudden, abrupt alteration in your hearing, it’s likely attributed to a different cause. For example, exposure to a loud noise, like a jet engine taking off, can result in temporary hearing loss that often recovers within hours, days or weeks. However, repeated exposure to loud noises may lead to lasting impacts on your hearing, which can gradually affect your daily life. The more you encounter loud sounds, the higher the likelihood of noticeable changes in your hearing abilities.

Changes to How You Hear

Another sign could be any change to your hearing beyond actual hearing loss. For instance, it might sound like people are underwater when they are talking to you. Or, you could notice a slight echo when people are speaking. Changes to your hearing like this are usually caused by a physical issue. For instance, you might have a growth in your ear. In most cases, this type of hearing loss will be due to a buildup of earwax that may have hardened overtime. Talk with your hearing instrument specialist about removing the excess earwax.

Hearing Noises That Aren’t There

You could also have started to hear noises that are not actually there. Common examples include a ringing, buzzing, vibrating or even a piece of a song that you have listened to previously. These are symptoms of a symptom of an underlying condition known as tinnitus. While this is commonly associated with hearing loss it can also develop separately. Again, you might notice this because of a build-up of earwax. Or, your hearing could have changed due to exposure to a loud noise. Tinnitus isn’t curable but it can be treated, often with the right hearing aid technology. You should speak to a hearing instrument specialist about this possibility.

Struggling to Hear Conversations

Something else that can be a common sign of hearing loss is struggling to hear conversations, especially when more than one person is talking. This is due to you needing to focus on more than one voice your ears may not be picking up. If you or your close friends have noticed you are straining more to hear what is being said then it might be time to visit a hearing instrument specialist. They will be able to test your hearing and give you some more advice about what is going on. You might benefit from using a hearing aid so you can once again join in those conversations with your friends.

Difficulty Using Technology

What about using your television or mobile device? If you have been finding it difficult to use these lately then it could be due to you experiencing hearing loss. This can be common as you age and can be rectified through the use of a hearing aid. Your friends and family may have noticed that you are turning up the volume a lot more than usual, this is a common tell-tale sign that hearing loss may be impacting you and your daily activities. Speaking to a hearing instrument specialist will give you peace of mind that this is more common than you think.

Repeating and Difficulty Following Conversations

Lastly, you might find it challenging to follow conversations without comprehending the underlying reasons for this difficulty. In many cases, the extent of hearing loss may not immediately register, leaving you aware only of its effects rather than the cause. If this situation raises concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a hearing instrument specialist. They can facilitate a hearing evaluation and potentially recommend hearing aids, which could improve your quality of life.

There are a variety of common signs and symptoms of hearing loss. If you would like to learn more about these signs or you want to learn more about Affordable Hearing, call us today at Irmo: 803-749-6017 or Orangeburg and Santee: 803-531-6403.

Tags: hearing loss basics, hearing loss symptoms, hearing loss testing