Hearing loss can be a traumatic thing for people to experience, but the good news is that there are so many options for dealing with this these days. You have a lot you can do when it comes to trying to improve your hearing or boost your quality of life as someone experiencing hearing loss. The first thing you need to think about is what the main devices are when it comes to helping with hearing loss. Choosing the perfect hearing aid for you is so important, and this is something you need to consider right now. On top of the many options to help you improve your situation, there are plenty of excellent hearing aids you can use that will help you with your hearing loss. Going to see a hearing instrument specialist would be one of the best things you can do, to begin with, as this is going to help point you in the right direction when it comes to dealing with hearing loss right now. These are some of the main hearing loss devices you are going to want to use as soon as possible.

Behind the ear (BTE)

The BTE hearing aid rests behind the ear and provides a hearing system in plastic casing that sits comfortably. The way this works is that a clear tube directs amplified sound into a customized earmold or earbud that sits inside the ear canal. These are the most common type of hearing aid globally, and they are also the largest type of hearing aid as well. Those with moderate or severe hearing loss will benefit the most from BTE hearing aids.

In the ear (ITE)

In-the-ear hearing aids are among the largest on the market when it comes to custom-fit hearing aids. The great thing about ITE hearing aids is that they are machine-made and designed specifically to fit your ear, based on a mold taken of your ear. The rest of the components fit into plastic casing that goes on the outside of the ear. ITEs can also house manual control, making them practical and useful for those with moderate to severe hearing loss.

In the canal (ITC)

ITC designs are another example of customized options that are designed to fit the canal of your ear and give you a comfortable and bespoke hearing aid. They are a much smaller example and have only a partial bit of the hearing aid on the outside of the ear. You can customize almost every aspect of this hearing aid, and that makes it a fun and exciting choice for a lot of people.

Receive in canal (RIC)

RIC hearing aids work in a slightly different way, and this is where the receiver sits inside the ear canal. A thin electrical wire is then used to help connect it to the device, and this means that RIC hearing aids can be made smaller and more convenient. They are a sleek and stylish option, and generally have features that come with them, so this is important. There are a lot of things to consider here, but RIC devices are ideal for those with milder hearing loss.

Invisible in canal (IIC)

Invisible hearing aids are the smallest design on the market, and this makes them ideal for those who might be feeling a little insecure about wearing a hearing aid. They are discreet and sit in the second bend of the ear canal. But don’t worry about them getting stuck – a small handle can be used to remove them on a daily basis, which helps your ears. Of course, these are not suitable for everyone and would be the best choice for those with mild to moderate hearing loss.

Completely in canal (CIC)

Completely-in-canal hearing aids pretty much do what they say; they fit completely in the ear canal, making them a discreet and comfortable option for most people. Much like the IIC style hearing aids, the CIC design also has a small, plastic handle that makes it easy to remove and put in whenever you need to. This is something that makes this an attractive prospect for a lot of people; however, the small size can present issues so this may not be the right choice for everyone. These are just some of the main devices that play a role in helping you to combat hearing loss, and this is something you need to make sure you get right. To learn more about this get in touch with Affordable Hearing at the following phone numbers:

  • Irmo: 803-749-6017
  • Orangeburg and Santee: 803-531-6403