Our Professional Staff
Our experienced providers are committed to a high standard of patient care and are here for you throughout every stage of your hearing journey.
Who We Are
We understand choosing a hearing care provider is a big decision. At Affordable Hearing LLC, our number one priority is delivering exceptional patient care. Our staff combines years of expertise in hearing healthcare, and is well-trained on a variety of services ranging from evaluations to treatment.
We believe great care includes establishing great relationships with our patients. Treating hearing loss is an ongoing process that requires regular follow-ups, maintenance and cleanings to keep you hearing your best. Our staff is here to support you not only during your initial visit but throughout your entire journey to better hearing.

Our Providers

Robin Hutson
Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist / Owner / Founder
Over 26 years experience. Love to service and fit patients. Patient Care is my #1 priority. I opened Affordable Hearing, LLC because I love to work with patients and technology and wanted to offer the best technology and the best prices along with free service.
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Jenn Clarke
Hearing Instrument Specialist
I love helping my patients. As a wearer of hearing aids for many years, I have a true understanding of not being able to hear and the knowledge now of fitting hearing aids. Jenn's top priority has always been her patients and offering the best quality care.
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